
I’m Sarah Mac. I’m a writer, mom, runner. This is my original running blog, Running Starfish, started in 2009 to chronicle my first (and supposed to be last) marathon, all the way through qualifying for the 2016 Olympic Trials Marathon.

Week 28: Vague Apologies + Baby's Exit Strategies

Week 28: Vague Apologies + Baby's Exit Strategies

Week 28. Last trimester. I still can't really believe we're here. Feeling very lucky, needing a bigger word for lucky. Also feeling very large and sick. Alternating between nights I sleep like a rock, and others I sleep like a baby. Solid mom joke there. Get it? Get it? (It means I wake up every 2 hours). Trying to maintain my walks and dance routines. I am counting down to the release of the Jasyoga Yoga for Pregnant Athletes videos. 

Yes, I'm available for maternity modeling. My 3rd tri photoshoot while doing dishes.

Yes, I'm available for maternity modeling. My 3rd tri photoshoot while doing dishes.

I realize if there's anything more archaic then having a blog, it's having a personal blog you never update. Sorry and welcome back to 2004, babies! Looking back here I do have a few unpublished, including one that just needs format love/wrestling about moms I stalk ... follow... on Instagram. Coming soon!

I also have a larger scale piece I'm researching about c-sections. It's one of those topics that feels really important to me, and really big. Just like pregnancy research and rules, the more I dig the more confusing and contracting it is. I need Emily Oster to break it down for me. But it's just me and Google. Anyway, look for that. And if you have any questions, thoughts, or experiences I am so interested in hearing! Drop into the comments or thatsarahmac@gmail.com.

Personally here's what I've etched out for his... I am not saying plan...exit strategies? I have a c-section scheduled on June 18th and if he comes early I will do a "trial of labor" (that's what you call it when us previous c-sections labor). I don't care how he comes out, vaginally, through an incision, out my nostril...the goals are a healthy baby boy and me not crying for months thinking I "failed" as a mother because my body didn't want to participate in "normal" birth. See me, 2014. 

Armed with a few plans my doctor and I sketched up.

Armed with a few plans my doctor and I sketched up.

"Science" and society noise aside, I am confident in his possible exit strategies, I love and trust my doctor AND my body, and I will not be ashamed of how my baby is born. I'm lucky to currently be in a position to think about how to deliver, what appears on all tests to be, a healthy baby boy. 

The Moms of Instagram

The Moms of Instagram

My Flexible Pregnancy

My Flexible Pregnancy